Veterans Management Services, Inc. (VMSI) is thrilled to announce that through industry partnership, we have been afforded an opportunity to support the newly awarded Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Agile Delivery of VA Imminent Strategic and Operational Requirements (ADVISOR) contract!
We are very fortunate to be part of this $550 million, five year IDIQ award and, even more so been given an opportunity to continue our deep rooted relationship with the VA. VMSI envisions great success for this program with the goal of providing training, business process reengineering, improvement and management, change management and transition and quality measurement.
Like our teaming partner, VMSI is sensitive to the battles our military personnel face, even after they have left the warzone. The ADVISOR contract will be one more avenue for VMSI to illustrate our enduring commitment to the VA, our partners and the Veteran community.