As we approach Memorial Day, VMSI would like to take a moment to reflect on the meaning behind this holiday and express our gratitude to those who have given their lives in service to our country.
Memorial Day traces its roots back to the aftermath of the Civil War, a conflict that claimed countless lives and deeply affected communities throughout the country. Originally known as Decoration Day, this day of remembrance came to be as communities united to honor fallen soldiers by decorating their graves with flowers, a gesture of respect and gratitude for their selfless devotion to protecting our freedoms.
VMSI recognizes the importance of honoring the memory of those who have served in the military. Many of our employees are veterans or have family members who have served in the Armed Forces, and we understand the sacrifices made to ensure our freedom and security. As we honor those who have fallen, we also acknowledge the immense courage and dedication of the veterans who have served our country and continue to do so. Memorial Day serves as a reminder of their sacrifices, as well as an opportunity to express our appreciation for their service and unwavering commitment.
In honor of our nation’s heroes, Bob Wesp, a member of our Metrics team, along with his wife Sandy, participated in the Midwest Carry the Load event spanning from Minneapolis Minnesota to Dallas, Texas. This event is a National Relay where teams walk thousands of miles throughout the US ending in Texas with the Dallas Memorial March. During the event, participants walk in teams, carrying the American Flag among other items, to symbolize their commitment to “carry the load” and remember our fallen heroes. This nationwide event focuses on recognizing and remembering the sacrifices of those who have served and brings awareness to help thousands of military personnel and families. It was a momentous event to honor and give thanks to those who have served.
On this Memorial Day, as we enjoy the freedoms and opportunities afforded to us, let us reflect and give thanks to our service members. May we never forget their sacrifice, and may their memory serve as a constant reminder of the values and principles for which they fought. Thank you to all who have served, and to the families who have lost loved ones in the line of duty.