raised nearly $10,000 through long drives.
VMSI would like to sincerely thank each and every sponsor, participant, and volunteer for contributing to the overwhelming success of our annual charity golf tournament, held June 27, 2016. We are thrilled with such staunch support to Boulder Crest Retreat for Military & Veteran Wellness!
We are extremely pleased to announce that our 3rd Annual Boulder Crest Retreat Charity Golf Tournament raised just over $162,000 in net profit!! That’s equivalent to the cost of providing 467 nights in one of Boulder Crest Retreat’s peaceful cabins!
We encourage you to learn more about Boulder Crest Retreat and the life-changing progress they are making with our Nation’s heroes through their PATHH Programs (Progressive and Alternative Therapies for Healing Heroes) by visiting their website at: www.bouldercrestretreat.org.
For the third year, VMSI enthusiastically hosted the 2016 Charity Golf Tournament as the sole Title Sponsor, kick starting the fundraising with a $20,000 sponsorship! We would like to extend a special thanks to many of our returning sponsors, participants, and volunteers who supported us at last year’s event and some who have come back for a third year! We would also like to acknowledge the following large contributors who brought us that much closer to this year’s goal: FavorTech Consulting (favortechconsulting.com), B3 Solutions (b3solutions.com), Clune Construction (clunegc.com), Southeastern Container (secontainer.com), Falkland Group, Inc (falklandgroup.com), Fortinet (fortinet.com), Government Scientific Source (govsci.com), Cameo Consulting Group (cameocg.com), GAM (gam.com), ThunderCat Technology (thundercattech.com), and SAIC (saic.com).
It is incredibly heartwarming to see such a tremendous outpouring of support for such a worthy cause and we are truly fortunate to have had a great turnout again this year. As with last year, the field filled up quickly and we sold out of foursomes by the last week of May with 36 teams and a total of 144 golfers registered to play! In addition to the participants, over 40 volunteers assisted on the day of the event, ensuring the tournament ran as smoothly as possible. We couldn’t have done it without the remarkable support and dedication of everyone involved !
As a direct result of the enormous generosity of those in attendance and leading up to the big day, we were able to surpass our initial fundraising goal of $150,000 and we know that with the continued support of our community, we’ll knock it out of the park again in 2017!!
VMSI will soon begin planning the 4th Annual Boulder Crest Retreat Charity Golf Tournament, to be hosted in the spring of 2017, so please stay tuned!
Be sure to Like our Facebook page (@BCRgolf) to view all the exciting photos from this year’s event and receive the latest information when registration opens – the field fills up quick! If you have any questions, please contact our planning committee at BCRgolf@vetms.com for more information.
Like us on Facebook and view more photos from the 3rd Annual Boulder Crest Retreat Charity Golf Tournament!