Boulder Crest Retreat’s PATHH Program Featured on CNN and Circa!

BCR's PATHH Program assists disabled veterans

VMSI is proud to support Boulder Crest Retreat (BCR) and their Warrior Progressive and Alternative Training for Healing Heroes (PATHH) program, the nation’s first-ever post traumatic growth-based program for combat veterans struggling with PTSD or combat stress. Warrior PATHH is delivering results that far outpace traditional mental health treatments.

In the midst of an 18-month longitudinal study, it is now clear that Warrior PATHH does more than just substantially reduce symptoms; it enables participants to walk the path to a life of passion, purpose, and service, harnessing the power of their military training and combat experiences.

In August 2015, the Journal of the American Medical Association called for a new and innovative approach to PTSD amongst combat veterans. BCR believes strongly that Warrior PATHH represents a key element of that new approach, and growing interest in the program is bearing that out.

On Friday, November 10th, CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper, aired a segment showcasing BCR’s partnership with the Gary Sinise Foundation and the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) charity, highlighting Boulder Crest’s innovative approach to coping with post-traumatic stress in our veteran community. On Saturday, November 11th, Circa, an online news service, launched a 14-minute documentary on Warrior PATHH. For more information, visit:


Circa Documentary: