VMSI would like to highlight one of our valued clients, the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (GCERC). GCERC’s mission is to implement a long-term, comprehensive plan for the ecological and economic recovery of the Gulf Coast region.
In 2012, in response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and other environmental challenges in the Gulf Coast region, Congress passed the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act (RESTORE Act). The RESTORE Act created a Gulf Coast Restoration Trust Fund and established the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (GCERC), aiming to restore and protect the natural resources, ecosystems, wildlife habitats, and economy of the Gulf Coast.
Our responsibilities include supporting GCERC’s electronic grants management system, offering help desk services for GrantSolutions and the Program Information Platform for Ecosystem Restoration (PIPER), and providing training for these systems. Additionally, our team provides general grants management support, acts as technical points of contact for DATA Act/USASpending activities, develops financial assistance guidance and documentation, and performs various tasks to support daily operations.
The VMSI team looks forward to continuing our exceptional support to GCERC and the Gulf region!