This past October, members of the VMSI team supporting the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (GCERC)—Vickie Schenk, Jordan Moye, and Valerie McWilliams —traveled to New Orleans to attend GCERC’s in-person Joint Grants and Program meeting. VMSI’s Ken Konkol and Mike Ulloa welcomed the opportunity to collaborate on ongoing initiatives, discuss future goals, and celebrate the team’s shared accomplishments.

After the day’s meetings, the group made time to enjoy the unique culture of New Orleans by participating in one of the city’s famous Haunted Tours. The team enjoyed exploring the historic streets and listening to stories connected to the city’s infamous buildings. The haunted tour became a memorable highlight of the trip and was a great team building experience for all.
This visit was a valuable opportunity for the team to connect in-person, strengthen professional relationships, and reaffirm their commitment to supporting the mission of the GCERC. The experience highlighted the importance of face-to-face collaboration and was a welcomed opportunity to celebrate the team’s ongoing success.