VMSI has just completed our 2016 Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contractor Assistance Initiative Visits for our PSS, HR & TAPS Schedules! VMSI’s internal controls, contract compliance, and thorough processes keep us compliant and ever-ready for our visits from GSA. Due to this preparedness, our visit required only four hours to review all three schedules, even though GSA anticipated this visit could last eight hours!!
As of June 15, 2015, GSA implemented a new tool to provide firms a snapshot of their ability to meet and perform against important contract terms and conditions. Their new tool, The Report Card (RC), is designed to provide Contractors specific results regarding contract compliance, helpful feedback, and identify areas where the Contractor is successful as well as any areas needing improvement.
The RC provides data on whether the Contractor meets the areas of evaluation as well as it provides detailed feedback on the findings during the visit. It focuses on areas of evaluation including: the process used to monitor the basis of award pricing, achieving the minimum sales criteria, prompt payment terms, 72A reporting, compliance with the scope of each contract, delivery of requirements and the use of electronic contracting tools.
VMSI is excited to report that we received 100%, perfect—compliance feedback across the board on all three evaluated VMSI GSA schedule contracts along with a comment during the onsite visit that: “VMSI is one of the most prepared companies he has worked with by having everything available, organized, and labeled to ensure a seamless process!”
VMSI is a proud GSA—Multiple Award Schedule contract holder of several schedules and find GSA a valued partner to VMSI in support of our many Federal customers!